Via Zuara, 20 - 20146 MILANO
tel. 02/48952482 - fax 02/48953799
Do you need products informations?

logo piccolisimo Heaters
armored heating resistances for fluids
armored finned heaters
armored heating resistances Mod. RT
cartridge heaters
band armored heaters
heaters for galvanic bath
special heaters
anticondensation heaters
logo piccolisimo Thermostat
bimetallic thermostats
capillary thermostats
thermometers Mod. TC-TG
electronic thermoregulators

A company estabilished in 1953 specializing in the construction of armored electric heaters and thermostats.

His long experience in electric heating, the knowledge of the tecnical staff, the continuos technological updates in production machines and in working tecnique make “Elettrogamma” a certain point of reference in heating market.

The use of high quality materials and the continous checks during the main and final phases of the production give to every products a top funtionality and reliability.

Another important look of “Elettrogamma” production is his flexibility.

Two productive line: one for the storage in warehouse and the management of the almost worked for fast deliveries; the other line dedicated to design and buit special heaters/thermostat on customers requests, draws and models.

The technical departiment is at your disposal.


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